The Curse

by Disturbed

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:28 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by

Kwonnie -


1st → Backup Vocals I
2nd → Lead Vocals II
3rd → Left Guitar
4th → Bass Guitar
5th → Right Guitar
6th → Left Lead Guitar
7th → Percussion
8th → Synth / Keyboard
9th → Right Lead Guitar
10th → Lead Vocals I
11th → Center Lead Guitar

File Size

86 KB




Marked for de-mo-li-tion I'm just a time bomb tic-king in-side No hope for the hope-less I can see the pie-ces all laid out in front of me No point e-ven as-king why Could-n't help e-ven if you tried Step a-side or you might just be the next con-tes-tant To feel the bru-ta-li-ty De-va-sta-tion, o-bli-te-ra-tion Are all to the point of e-xa-cer-ba-tion There's no ex-plai-ning my si-tu-a-tion now, Why does this shit keep hap-pening to me? I've held on too long just to let it go now, Will my in-ner strength get me through it some-how De-fy-ing the curse that has ta-ken hold Ne-ver sur-ren-der, I'll ne-ver be o-ver-come Too dark for for-give-ness I can't seem to do a-ny-thing right When I try to re-build I see my hum-ble shel-ter Just fall to the ground a-gain Ob-ject to the e-vil eye No point to let a-ny-one try Take heed my friend lest you be torn a-sun-der Like all that's be-come of me Des-ci-ma-tion, di-sin-te-gra-tion Now be-yond the point of i-ma-gi-na-tion, There's no ex-plai-ning my si-tu-a-tion now, Why does this shit keep hap-pening to me? I've held on too long just to let it go now, Will my in-ner strength get me through it some-how De-fy-ing the curse that has ta-ken hold Ne-ver sur-ren-der, I'll ne-ver be o-ver-come I've held on too long just to let it go now, Will my in-ner strength get me through it some-how De-fy-ing the curse that has ta-ken hold Ne-ver sur-ren-der, I'll ne-ver be o-ver-come